What is Suprema Mobile Access? What is Airfob?

What is Suprema Mobile Access? What is Airfob?

If you are already using biometric access control devices from Suprema, you can easily add Suprema Mobile Access, powered by Airfob technology.

Suprema Mobile Access allows users to open doors using their own smartphones as keys. Managing and using digital access cards stored on smartphones is much easier, faster and safer than traditional access control methods. It is also possible to use multi-factor authentication, combining Suprema Mobile Access with other credential options such as biometric data or physical RFID cards.

Launched in 2019, Suprema Mobile Access is powered by Airfob technology and works with Suprema’s on-premise access control systems, used by more than 1 billion people worldwide.

What is the Airfob App

The Airfob app replaces plastic access control cards with your smartphone, allowing you to open doors conveniently and securely. Use the Airfob app just like the like you would a physical RFID card. Tap your phone on the access reader and the door opens.
The Airfob App is compatible with Suprema access control solutions.

Download Airfob App here:

  1. iOS
  2. Android

What is the Airfob Portal

The Airfob Portal is the administrative portal for managing and issuing Suprema Mobile Access credentials. It includes a wide array of access control features including user management, setting schedules, adding and managing devices, and changing site settings.

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