Understanding Apple Pay

Understanding Apple Pay

How to use mobile access without Apply Pay popup

Why is Apply Pay showing up?

Apply Pay may popup depending on the condition of your iPhone use. See below to understand and take measures.


Contact of NFC area of your iPhone and RF antenna area of RF card reader

Apple Pay is automatically shown when there is a contact of the NFC area of your iPhone and the RF antenna area of your RF card reader. Avoid tapping in areas like below. Please also note the following methods to avoid Apply Pay popup.




Use the app in the foreground

Airfob Pass app prevents display of Apple Pay and lets you use mobile access card. However, you must have your Airfob Pass app open in the foreground. If the app is in the background, Apply Pay has the priority regardless of the Airfob Pass app and will show up if your iPhone contacts the RF antenna area of the RF card reader.



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