Edit Device information (T&A on Mobile)

Edit Device information (T&A on Mobile)

If you're using an Airfob device that doesn't have a screen, you can also use the time and attendance feature by leveraging the mobile T&A feature. To use the mobile T&A feature, you'll need to manually change the settings on the devices you want to apply the feature to.

In this article, you'll learn 1) what the Mobile T&A feature is, 2) how to set it up and apply it, and 3) how users can use Mobile T&A.

Setting up Mobile T&A

T&A is an add-on feature that you can use to record the time users clock in and out, as well as the type of clocking in and out (in/out/away/return/break, etc.) in detail.
It can be used in a variety of ways, such as allowing a company to record exactly when an employee clocked in and out, or letting them choose the reason for authorising a mobile card into a particular space.

Mobile T&A works with Airfob devices that don't have a separate screen, allowing users to select their status directly from their smartphone after they've authenticated their mobile card.

When T&A is enabled, additional T&A history is displayed in the Event Log menu. If you don't see a T&A row at the far right of the event log table, you can add a T&A entry using the table customisation feature.

Setting up and Applying the mobile T&A feature

By default, mobile T&A is disabled on your initial site. To enable mobile T&A, follow the instructions below to change the settings.
You'll need to access your site's master account, because you'll need to change your site settings.

1. Change your site settings

1. Access the Settings > Site menu in the Airfob Pro portal.
2. Click the grey toggle to the right of T&A on Mobile to change it to Enabled. (Green toggle: Enabled)
3. Click the green Settings > button. 
4. A pop-up screen will appear where you can create a button that users will need to select on their smartphone.
5. Enter a name for the button in the label for as many buttons as you want to create, and click the Save button. It allow you to create max 16 buttons.
6. You are ready to apply mobile T&A to devices.

2. Applying mobile T&A to devices

After enabling the Mobile T&A feature in the site menu, you need to edit the device information to which you want to apply Mobile T&A. Even if you enable the feature in the site, all devices are registered with the Mobile T&A feature disabled by default, and you can selectively modify the device information of only the devices that need the feature.

1. go to the Device Management > Registered Devices menu in the Airfob Pro portal.
2. Select the device that needs to use the Mobile T&A feature from the list of multiple devices registered on the site.
3. When the Edit Device Information pop-up screen appears, navigate to the T&A settings area at the bottom of the screen.
4. Under T&A mode, select Mobile, and click the checkbox on the right side for T&A is Required.
5. Mobile T&A can't edit the labels you entered earlier in Settings.
6. Click Save to update the changed information, and the user will be notified to select T&A on their smartphone after authenticating their mobile card to the device.

Use mobile T&A in the Airfob Spaces app

To authenticate with the Airfob Spaces app screen on

When a user authenticate to the Airfob device with the Airfob Spaces app screen on and the mobile card visible on the screen, user can select T&A directly by clicking the calendar icon in the top right corner of the mobile card. 
The buttons you registered for on the site will appear on the screen, and the user will click on the status button for their current access authorisation. The mobile card must be authenticated to the device one more time to save it to the event log.

Authenticate in background mode

When a user authenticate the mobile card in background mode, a pop-up message appears on the lock screen asking them to select T&A. When they click the pop-up immediately displays the T&A button in the Airfob Space app. In this case, user do not need to authenticate again.

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