Registered Devices

Registered Devices

The Registered Devices menu shows all the installed devices on your site. If you have not registered any devices yet, this list will be empty. Typically, distributor update this list when they install the Airfob device and service in your space. You can manage device information, and device group in this menu. This article will tell you what functions Registered Devices menu provides in detail.

Preview the table of registered devices

Product : The device image and product name
Model Name : The device model name
Device ID : Serial Number
Device Group : Device group name containing the device (can be empty if the device has not assigned a device group)
Display NameAdministrator can modified according to the installed location, etc.)
Battery : Show only when device needs battery
Timezone : Device timezone

All functions of the Registered Deivces menu

1. Refresh

Once you have updated the device list, click the refresh button to reload the updated menu.

2. Firmware Update

If the installed device has an updated version of firmware, the firmware can be updated remotely. However, it can be used only when there is a custom firmware created at the request of the customer or when an updated version of the firmware is supplied by Mocha System.

3. Lock/Unlock Schedule Settings

This is a device schedule setting function above the time rule and access level. Access can be opened or closed collectively during the time set for the door where the device is installed.

Ex.  I want to fully open the main entrance on the 1st floor only during business hours (10:00 am - 8:00 pm) and restrict access to non-employees at other times.
  1. In the device list, click the checkbox of the device installed at the main entrance door on the 1st floor.
  2. Click the ⁝ icon > Click the Lock/Unlock Schedule Settings button.
  3. Check the checkbox next to Use Schedule in Unlock Schedule Settings.
  4. Set the start time to 10:00 AM and the end time to 8:00 PM, then click the OK button.
*During the set time, anyone can enter and exit through the 1st floor. Employees who need access at other times should be assigned an access level that allows access at all times.

4. Group to move

Specifies or changes the device group each device is included in. Device groups can be created by clicking the Create Group button on the left side of the screen. (See below for details.)
*How to create a device group can be found at the bottom of this page.

Ex. The space used as ‘warehouse’ has been changed to ‘laboratory’, so I want to change the group of the space device.
  1. In the device list, find the device that was previously installed on the warehouse door.
  2. Click the ⁝ icon > click the Group to move button.
  3. On the Group to move pop-up screen, select the laboratory group to move and click OK.

5. Ungroup

Toggles the device to a state not included in any device group. Clicking the Ungroup button immediately removes the device from the group. The device will not be deleted, and will function normally work with no group specified.

Create a new device group

Devices can be divided into groups according to your needs for efficient management. Normally, groups can be classified according to the location of the door where the device is installed, use, department name, etc.
  1. Click the Create Group button at the top left of the screen.
  2. In the Device Group pop-up screen, enter the device group name. The name can be classified by the location of the entrance door (Ex. 17th floor) and the name of the space (Ex. laboratory). Set it up freely.
  3. In the Devices list, select the devices you want to include in the group to manage. (You can select multiple devices)
  4. Click the OK button to create the group normally.
  5. If you need a subgroup, click the ⁝ icon to the right of the created group name > Create subgroup.
  6. You can delete the group or edit the name whenever.

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