Registered device list API

Registered device list API

Registered device list

Get the registered device list.
  Paging is applied. (e.g. If 100 devices need to be searched at one request, it needs to set Page: 0, Size: 100.
  Total in paging indicates the total number of paging objects.
(Not objects in records.)

URL: /site/{siteId}/devices?page={page}&size={size}
siteId: site ID
Method: GET


Key Required Type Description
page false STRING Page number (default: 0)
size false STRING No of objects per page (default: 20)

Key Required Type Description
id true STRING Device unique ID
serial true STRING Device serial number
model true STRING Device model name
name true STRING Device nickname

GET - /site/1/devices?page=0&size=10
 "total": "3"
 "records": [
      "model": "AP-M"
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