[Credential Setting] Configure card ID format MSB & LSB

[Credential Setting] Configure card ID format MSB & LSB

Understanding the concept and configuring MSB & LSB
The difference between MSB and LSB is in which order bit is read. If bits are read from the very left(highest bit), it is MSB(Most Significant Bit). If read from the very right(lowest bit), it is LSB(Least Significant Bit).



Understanding MSB & LSB


If you plan to use CSN MSB or LSB, check the current settings of your RF card reader in use and configure from the settings in Airfob Portal.

Suppose that you own card ID 1559994371 MIFARE Classic.

Expressed in decimal and binary will look like the following:

i.e. decimal: 1559994371
binary: 01011100 11111011 10100000 00000011

If binary is read in MSB

If binary is read in LSB



Configure MSB & LSB

Select CSN MSB or CSN LSB from Credential Settings. Access menu in following order: Settings - Credentials Settings.

Only Master admin has the access to the Credential Settings menu.

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